I know a beautiful place
We will sail to it.
The wind has died down on the Shallows.
The water is calmer and the clipper the Passaat is gently rocking on the waves. You walk across the front deck to the railing and take a deep breath.
The salt smell of the seawater pervades your lungs. “With these flatboats we can easily sail outside the channel”, skipper Frank explains. “I know a beautiful place where we can ‘remain aground on the sandbanks’ tonight when the tide is low. We will sail to this place.”
In the evening the Passaat anchors up on the sandbanks. Evening is falling and the water is slowly turning black. The lighthouses of the Wadden Islands illuminate the sky one by one. You can see them all from the ship. The Passaat seems to be the only sailingship on the Wadden Sea. You are on deck with your family or friends and experience a beautiful clear starry sky like you have never before seen on the shore.